Tall round sow cooker - this slow cooker can handle a longer hot dog such as Hebrew national or bun length, though regular ones work fine here too.Oval slow cooker - standard size hot dogs recommended (bun length or Hebrew national will not fit standing up).If you buy hot dogs that are too long, this cooking method will still work. Though the hot dogs will need to be laid on their sides.If you are worried about if they will fit, measure the inside of your slow cooker from the lip down, and bring a measuring tape to the store.
How to make:
Place the hot dogs in your slow cooker standing up, if they do not fit with the lid on standing up, place them on their sides.
DO NOT ADD WATER. The hot dogs have plenty of moisture. Place the lid on the slow cooker and cook on high for 2.5 to 3 hours. It takes time for the hot dogs in the center to warm up.
Keeping the hot dogs warm:
Turn the slow cooker to warm after the cooking time is up. They can keep for up to 3 hours on the warm setting.
Topping suggestions:
Sweet Relish - I bought the bottles here
Minced Onions
Celery seed
Mini hot peppers
Thinly sliced tomatoes
Hot dog chili - canned or homemade (see my slow cooker version)